Teaching/ Mentoring
Guildhall School of Music (London)
I have been a tutor at the Guildhall School of Music since 2015. Within this capacity, I teach on both the undergraduate and postgraduate degrees within the Creative Learning department, both on core module’s and designing and leading elective classes.
Fundementally, my teaching work at the Guildhall school is about collaborative practice. The situations for these collaborations range from cohorts of peers in the classroom, to taking students to hospitals, schools, SEN contexts and community centres. Throughout this work, they learn to engage with themselves as creative artists and to faciliate processes that also allow other people to express themselves. There is a strong focus on reflection, and the students are encourged to self-lead their own develpment.
It is so exciting to be part of the journey of these young musicians, and to encourage them explore themeselves not only as artists but as citizens of the world.
In 2022 I undertook a Post-Graduate Certificate in Performance Teaching (tertiay stream) in order to support my teaching practice.
Aldeburgh Young Musicians (Snape Maltings)
I have been a mentor on the Albegurgh Young Musicians scheme since 2016, and offering a safe, confidential and supportive space for young people to explore their musicality is a real joy for me. My mentoring practice comes from the incredible training of Jane Cook and Linden Learning and I love it as (like all the best things) it gives me the same amount of insight and reflection as it does the young people.
Aldeburgh Young Musicians brings together some of the best young musicians to further develop their artistic and musical practice through workshops, rehearsals and performances. It really focuses on stretching the young musicians - to help them explore new ideas. The mentoring program has such a postitive impact as it seeks to provide a moment where the mentee can have the space to tackle difficult questions, celebrate growth, or simply be listened to. All my mentees are different ages, have different interests and backgrounds - but what unites them is an inspiring level of maturity and curiosty in what it means to be a musician.
Waltham Forest Music Hub (London)
Between 2016 - 2019, I led a teacher training program between the Barbican and Waltham Forest Music Hub. During this time, I ran CPD training for peripetetic music teachers to learn how to set up and run a creative ensemble for young people, as well as also being lead facilitator for a new Waltham Forest ensemble called Scratchmakers. It was such pleasure to work with the music hub teachers and to support them as they grew in confidence and skill. We ran three day projects with young people aged 8 - 12 exploring themes such as migration, the myth of Icarus, flight, and sleep and the young musicians made exciting, playful and beautiful music.
contact: rhia.parker@gmail.com